Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 6 - MKTG 348 - Hubspot - Effectiveness of Email

While the common knowledge of email is that it is obsolete and "old school", the reality is that email is still relevant and growing.  Currently, there are 3.2 billion email accounts.  95% of online consumers use email, and 91% of those consumers check their email accounts at least once a day.  Ironically, email has a longer life span than social media.  In a poll taken, 77% of people prefer email for marketing communications.  And finally, email has a 4,300% return on investment.  76% of marketers say they use email more than they did three years ago.

So now that the numbers prove email is still relevant, how do you use it to help with your inbound marketing strategy.  Email actually works for every stage in the inbound marketing strategy.  Email can be used to attract new visitors, and attract those visitors into leads.  With those leads, you can nurture them into customers, and finally keep your customers happy so they in turn develop into promoters.

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