Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week 11 - MKTG 349 - Tips For Creating Successful Ad Groups

Now that your campaign is all set and ready to go, it is time to create your ad groups.  A simple start is to organize your ad groups into similar themes.  Ad groups contain a set of keywords, ads, and bids that you manage.  We will go into a deeper understanding of these elements that you will be using on Google search or the display network.

Lets start with keywords.  Building a good keyword list can help you show your ads to your target market/audience.  When choosing your keywords you should be in the mind of your audience.  Think about what they are searching for and how they are searching for it.  You should also align your keywords with your goals.  Don't just throw any old keywords out there and hope that your target audience will find it.  You need to look at this as, "what do I want out of this campaign?"  After finding that answer, you will have a few keywords in mind.  Finally you need to group your keywords into themes.  It is crucial for you to group similar keywords together.  Do not just throw together a bunch of keywords that all have different meanings.

The second element that will be discussed in more detail is the ad itself.  There are various forms of ads that you can choose from that will show up in a Google search result.  Choosing the right ad type all depends on what you are trying to advertise.  There are various ad types, they include: text, ad extension, image, WAP mobile, App promotion, video, product listing, and call-only ads.  As you can see there are a lot of ads that you can choose from.  Choosing the right ad that fits what you are trying to do is crucial and will make your ad campaign very successful.

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