Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week 5 - MKTG 348 - HubSpot - Creating Remarkable Content

Content is everything when it comes to attracting viewers to your website.  About 90% of successful SEO is content.  Without remarkable content your website is nothing.  Remarkable content is the solution to a problem.  By understanding the problem, you can come up with a solution.  Therefore, the solution is the remarkable content.  There are two keys in creating remarkable content.  The first key is the buyer persona.  The buyer persona is a fictitious representation of your target customer/audience for your website.  You must know who your buyer persona is in order to know what they are interested in.  If you do not know their interest, how will you create remarkable content?

The second key in creating remarkable content is the buyer's journey.  The buyer's journey is research a buyer goes through before making a purchase.  There are three stages in the buyer's journey: awareness, consideration, and decision.  Throughout the buyer's journey, your content needs to be educational in order to provide your audience with the knowledge they need.  Talk about a specific issue, the root of that problem, and finally, the opportunity at hand.  Content is often described as the honeypot.  It's job is to pull people from one stage of a methodology to the next stage.

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