Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week 4 - MKTG 348 - HubSpot - Social Media And Its Importance On Inbound Marketing

Social Media is perhaps the biggest factor when it comes to effective inbound marketing.  Just about everyone uses some sort of Social Media, and the numbers prove it.  Studies also prove that being active on Social Media improves your marketing strategy.  The first big stat to look at is comparing Facebook and Google.  Users spend 4x more time on Facebook then they do Google.  So while Google is great and is a very powerful too, it may not help with your marketing strategy.  If you are trying to attract viewers, Social Media is the way to do it.  74% of marketers saw an increase in traffic after spending only six hours per week on Social Media.
Statistics prove that Social Media also turns these views into leads.  Social Media just be used in a three step process: obtain viewers, garner leads, and turn those leads into customers.  This three step methodology has proved successful.  When it comes to Facebook, 52% of channel users acquired a customer.  LinkedIn and Company Blog 43% of their users acquired at least one customer.  And when it comes to Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest, 36%, 15%, and 9% of their users acquired a customer, respectively.

Social Media is the new way of doing "business".  Before, in order to gain new leads, salespeople would go out and make cold calls, and many other traditional strategies, in hopes to garner some interest from prospective customers.  If and when they got some interest, they would turn them into leads, and from there do their best to keep these customers happy, and in the loop of what is going on with the company, and other interesting facts and tidbits.  Now with the development of Social Media, you can do all three of these things on Social Media.  It is quicker, cheaper, and more effective.  Once you have your new customers, it is very easy to keep in touch with them without annoying them.  By liking their post or retweeting their tweet, you are showing them your appreciation, and maintaining a solid relationship with them. 

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